As a single phase in literary history, the years between 1660 and the 1830s are marked by an overlapping of seemingly opposed aesthetic tendencies, and by a new relationship between authors, booksellers and readers. The theatrical scene within the United Kingdom of Great Britain as well as abroad was concentrated on just two London playhouses. Initially, their programme pitted Restoration comedies of wit and manners against Roman and heroic tragedies. Over the years, stage satires, sentimental comedies and domestic tragedies were added to the bill. Neoclassicist and Romantic poets alike favoured the forms of verse letters, satires, odes and elegies, yet there occurred also a ballad revival and the return of the sonnet. Major innovations in prose fiction are the children's book as well as the adult novel (of adventure, of character and manners, or of history), yet the more exotic Gothic romance, the literature of travel and the periodical essay are further characteristic features of the period addressed in this survey lecture.
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