American Hungers: Representing Poverty in US Culture and Literature
Studienorientierung mit der ZSB • Nordamerikastudien
Termin & Ort
14.12.2022 14:00 - 16:00
Die Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht möglich
“The problem lies not in poor people’s invisibility but in the terms on which they are permitted to be visible in public discourse,” write Judith Goode and Jeff Maskovsky. Taking up this question of how poverty is rendered visible, the lecture examines the ways in which poverty and processes of impoverishment are depicted in US literature and film. Questions we will address include: How and for whom is poverty made visible in literature? How are different forms of hunger (material, social, spiritual, artistic, etc.) related? What genres and representational strategies are used to moralize, politicize, or depoliticize poverty? And how is the agency of the poor disregarded or asserted?
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