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A History of English Sonnets
Studienorientierung mit der ZSB • Anglistik
Termin & Ort
09.06.2022 14:30 - 16:00 (Merken)
08.06.2022 14:00
Eine Anmeldung ist außerhalb der Anmeldefrist nicht möglich.


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A History of English Sonnets

“I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space.”   (Hamlet, 2.2.248f.)

Hamlet’s paradox could be easily applied to the form of the sonnet. Consisting of only 14 lines, the sonnet has been described as a small chamber which offers countless challenges and opportunities. In this seminar we shall trace the development of the form from the sonnet vogue of the Elizabethan era (with special emphasis on Shakespeare’s Sonnets) to the Romantics and Victorians and take a look at its various revivals in the twentieth (and twenty-first) century.